We’re in a festive mood at Outdoor Learning Made Easy! Here’s a free idea for a great handmade Christmas craft. Use tool skills and creativity to make this beautiful tree decoration from a branch.
You will need…
- Bowsaw
- Tool gloves
- Bradawl, hand drill or bit and brace
- Ribbon
- Brown paint
- Red paint
- Paint pallet or tray
- Black fine liner pen
- Googly eyes
- PVA glue
- Branch about as thick as your arm (greenwood is easier to saw- please cut sustainably and ask the landowner for permission)
- Work with a partner to saw a wooden disc each from the end of a branch using a bow saw. Remember to put a tool glove on your helping hand. If you are not familiar with Forest School tool use, please ask an adult to do this part for you.
- Working with your partner again, use the hand drill/ bit and brace/ bradawl, to make a hole near to the top of your ‘wood cookie.’ Remember to keep the tool glove on your helping hand. Again if you are not familiar with Forest School tool use, please ask an adult to do this part for you too.
- Poke some ribbon through the hole, double the ends of the ribbon together and tie an overhand knot to form a loop.
- Write your name on the bottom of the disc in black fine liner.
- Poor a little bit or brown and red paint onto a paint pallet. Place your thumb in the brown paint and make a thumb print in the centre of the disc for Rudolf’s face.
- Place your little finger in some red paint and make a small red nose print on top of the brown, (be careful not to smudge it!)
- Draw your reindeer’s antlers on with the black fine liner, (be careful not to smudge your paint!)
- When the paint is dry, add two googly eyes, sticking them securely with PVA glue. (You could go inside and ask an adult to dry it with a hairdryer, if you can’t wait!)
- Once finished, hang your Christmas Rudolf decoration in a tree in your outdoor area for a fun and festive decoration!
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